Did you know free tutoring is available for all BCPS students?
Who is eligible?
- All BCPS students, and all library card holders. BCPS students already have a library card (their username to login would be their student ID number. The student password is 0000. If you need help obtaining your student's ID number, please contact Norwood's office.
What is the available tutoring program?
- The Baltimore County Public library offers free services to all BCPS students and library card holders. The BCPL has partnered with Brainfuse, one of the nation's leading real-time online tutoring providers. The services include live tutoring, writing labs, private virtual study rooms, and much more. Tutoring is available for any subject or topic. For more details, please visit the public library webpage.
- All live services are available from 2pm-11:55pm EDT.
How can I access these tutoring services?
Families can access these tutoring services by following this guide:
Accessing BCPL Tutoring Service.pdf