Mentoring Program

Joppa View’s Mentoring Program

 Mission Statement
The girls mentoring club, the DIVAS (Diverse, Intelligent, Victorious, and Amazing Scholars), ran by Ms. Wesley (Intermediate School Counselor) and boys mentoring club, the ROSES (Resilient, Optimistic, Scholars of Educational Success), ran by Mr. Saunders (4th grade math teacher) at Joppa View Elementary School strives to encourage and empower all 4th and 5th grade students to become successful in their goals in life. We strive to provide students with opportunities to recognize their own unique strengths and develop the self-confidence necessary to be successful in school and in the community.


  • To increase students’ self-awareness and self-esteem.
  • To help students learn positive ways to cope with challenges.
  • To foster relationships between students and their peers.


  • Help students learn strategies to overcome personal and social emotional challenges
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Help students realize and recognize their own strengths